A Cancer Survivor’s Guide to Returning to WorkJob searching after cancerChances are you or a coworker will face the question of returning to work after cancer treatment. Cancer now affects 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men, while the survival rate for many cancers is increasing. While the risk of cancer increases with age, it also affects many younger adults still in the workplace. An estimated 46% of patients diagnosed with cancer are between the ages of 20 and 64. Surveys find that most cancer survivors who return to work say that it’s beneficial for their recovery. In addition to needing the income, you may enjoy using your skills and maintaining personal relationships. For some cancer survivors, it’s gratifying just to have experiences apart from their medical condition. Your individual needs will depend on many factors, including your specific diagnosis. Use these suggestions to help you deal with health and career issues if you’re considering going back to work after cancer treatment. Protecting your health
Readjusting to work
With skillful communication and planning, you may be able to continue working after your cancer treatment. Talk with your doctor to ensure that you’re well enough to do your job and work with your employer to make any necessary adjustments. Learning from our failures and successesHow to leverage your mistakes and successesYour career will be a lot less complicated if you recognize what worked and what didn't, and apply that knowledge to what is coming . It will make you much more capable, knowledgeable, and powerful with each passing day. Chances are very high that you will evolve into a very successful and capable person. However, most people fail to use their experiences to their advantage. They avoid failure and examining those times they do fail. Success is seen as a time for celebrating, not learning. But this is a great mistake. The rules of life are revealed to you each day. Imagine if you used every experience to become an enhanced version of yourselfImagine if you learned from every mistake and every success. What if you never repeated a mistake and made the most of your successes? How would your life change in a year? In 10 years? The results could be astounding! Make your successes and failures work for you
Are you more or less successful than you were five years ago? The most common answer is, “About the same.” But this is a tragic response. In the last five years, you’ve had the opportunity to learn from each day. You could have improved by a small amount each day and be much more effective today than you were then. Each day provides you with information that can be used to enhance your approach to life. Leverage your successes and failures to become the most successful version of yourself.
Three NEW features for LinkedIn ProfilesOn LinkedIn, your posts and connections are the main ways to get noticed on the professional social media platform. However, LinkedIn recently unveiled three new features on its website that can help you enjoy more relevance on the platform. List Your Services Based on LocationFollowing the introduction of this new feature, LinkedIn users can now filter search results based on the location of the service provider. LinkedIn advises users to enable the “showcase services you offer” option on their profile to be visible in searches and to also highlight such services as open for business. Additionally, you can also indicate where exactly you offer these services and if you are willing to work remotely. LinkedIn is promoting this feature as another way for freelancers and businesses to get new clients. Participate in a LinkedIn Skill TestLinkedIn is introducing a new feature called a “Skill Assessment” feature. This feature allows users to take a test in a particular skill and earn a badge if they prove their proficiency. The test is usually comprised of 15-20 questions based on the skill being tested, and questions have to be answered in a specific time. Currently, there is a limited list of skills that users can earn badges in, and most of them are based on popular business software like Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Project. Users can also get proficiency badges in AutoCAD, JavaScript, AWS, C++, XML, Hadoop, Ruby, AWS, HTML, and the likes. LinkedIn has indicated a willingness to expand this list in the future. Note that not all LinkedIn users can access the Skill Assessment feature yet. Take Advantage of LinkedIn’s New Event FeaturePromoting events through the Event Feature can be a practical method of fostering communication in your network. For instance, you can use the event feed to communicate with attendees, and also ask attendees to connect with you on LinkedIn. Again, attendees to your event can now send invitations (if granted access) which can grow your network. Any user can join events, but not all users can create one yet. Three exciting NEW features for LinkedIn PagesThe three new features being added to LinkedIn Pages are geared at fostering stronger relationships amongst followers and increasing community engagement. According to the professional social media platform, more than 50 million companies now use Pages globally, and LinkedIn will regularly update features quarterly. Some of the most recent updates include “LinkedIn Live” integration, “Invite To Follow”, and new “posting options”. Invite to followTo enhance the growth of their following, Page managers can invite top profile connections to follow their Page. Moreover, users that would not like to receive such invites can opt-out from them. Stream with LinkedIn LivePreviously reserved for only personal profiles, LinkedIn Pages can now enjoy the live broadcast and streaming feature. LinkedIn believes that this feature can generate more than 24X more comments and 7X more reactions than conventional video posts. To enable this feature, Page managers will need to request access to use this feature via the LinkedIn Live website. Post as a Member or PageUsers can now use a toggle switch on their Home page to switch between posting content as an organization or individual. In the past, users had to separately access their Page to publish under it. Currently, users can manage and publish posts from the same dashboard.
AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Government Employment WebsitesA government job is always a great addition to your resume and your career. The government offers a large variety of career options including thousands of jobs. In fact, the government is one of the largest employers nationwide. The list below can help you navigate through various available opportunities within the government. Some of these sites have job listings, others help with guidance. They provide information about jobs or job searching within The United States government. Where to find federal government jobsGovernment Jobs; Government Work; Government Employment; Politics jobs; Federal Government Jobs; US Government Jobs; DC Government Jobs.
AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. RESUME SERVICE PRICE LISTI have been writing resumes for a very long time and I have spoken to many people about their professional background and potential. Of course, no two people are ever the same. What I have noticed is that when talking about resume writing services, EVERYONE has two questions at first:
From there, the following questions vary depending on each individual. But the first two questions have always remained the same. Please take about ONE MINUTE to conveniently watch this detailed video for precise answers to your question. Resume Writing Services Pricing and ProcessONE-MINUTE VIDEO If watching a video is not convenient, you will find the same information in a SLIDESHOW by clicking here.
AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Family and Medical Leave ActBenefits and EligibilityThere are certain rights you have as a parent that are protected by law. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is the principal law that describes the rights that parents have with regards to their employment. In essence, it requires qualifying employers to provide unpaid leave for medical and family reasons. The employee's job is protected during the leave. Prior to this law, the rules surrounding leave for medical and family issues were up to the employers. As an employee, your leave could be denied for any reason and you could even be fired for taking leave. There was no employment law requiring that employees within the same company had to be treated equally and uniformly. Let's take a look at the benefits afforded under the law and the qualifications that must be met. The benefits of Family & Medical Leave Act1. Up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave a year for the following situations:
2. Other benefits:
Eligibility for the Family & Medical Leave ActTo qualify for the benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act, certain conditions must be met. 1. Employer. You must be employed by an employer with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius of the workplace, or be employed by a public agency; this would include schools, federal, state, and local employers.
Many people are under the impression that they are still paid while taking leave under this act. But it is not required that your employer continue to pay you. Some companies will continue to pay your salary, but that is the exception and not the rule. While it is against the law to punish those that make use of the Family and Medical Leave Act, it is not uncommon for many employers to frown upon those that take family or medical leave. It can be difficult to prove that you didn't receive a promotion or pay raise because you took a leave of absence. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 allows for you to care for a new child or a sick child without fear of losing your job. The same job, or a comparable job, will be available when you return to work. Benefits are preserved and retaliation of any kind is illegal. Be sure you are aware of your rights so you can care for your loved ones with confidence, knowing that you can still return to your job. Family First Coronavirus Response ActWhere to find information about "Family First Coronavirus Response Act"For information about the "Family First Coronavirus Response Act" please be sure to visit "Local Attorney Answers Commonly Asked Employee Questions About Coronavirus" . AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. |
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
January 2025