What Is A Cover Letter
How To Address A Cover Letter
How To Start A Cover Letter
What To Put In A Cover Letter
How To End A Cover Letter
The Art of NegotiationNegotiation DefinitionTo be clear, a negotiator is the one responsible for making negotiations, and a negotiation is a deal between two or more in a party designed to reach a useful outcome over certain issues. Negotiation SkillsBecoming a better negotiator is a beneficial skill to learn that takes consistent practice. Whether you have to learn how to negotiate salary or are after learning how to get the raise you deserve, negotiating properly can help you earn as much as 25% more than if you negotiate poorly. Negotiating can be tricky, but it can increase your opportunities and improve your life in many ways. It’s a skill you can develop. If you want to be a cut above the rest of the negotiators, follow the five steps below: Negotiation TipsStep One: Always bid first and higher – If you are selling something, don't assume the buyer will pay higher than what your goal is. It is likely that if you allow the buyer to provide a price first, they will always low ball, and it will make it harder to negotiate a better value. When bidding first, it is also essential to give a number that is higher than your end goal.
Step Two: Listen before action – Listen before you reply. Let the other party finish any of their thoughts first. Silence may be awkward, but this can be used to your advantage. Most likely, the other party will fill the silence with valuable information to lead you to a better result. Not every response needs a reply, either. If someone claims the price is too high, let the silence make them think about their reasons why. Step Three: Avoid negative emotions – It is only natural to feel tension when negotiating but don’t allow the other party to feel this tension. It will only lead to a roadblock that prevents success. Try to think of it as a challenge and something that is fun rather than something confrontational. Step Four: Make it a win/win situation – Becoming a superior negotiator does not mean one party must lose. In fact, it means the opposite. For example, often, the car salesperson will say something like, “Let’s find something that works for both of us.” Then they will likely tack on extras such as car maintenance but not lower the monthly price. Now the price seems more worth it to the buyer while the seller still gets what they want out of the deal; that is a win/win situation. Step Five: Research and more research – Don't go into any negotiation before knowing what you are talking about. Research as much as you can on the topic that you are dealing with. For example, if you are trying to negotiate your rent (believe it or not this does happen) then it is a good idea to research all the prices in the zip code you plan on living in as well as crime statistics or other factors that can be negative to allow a decrease. Keep practicing these five steps, and you are sure to benefit the next time you must put your negotiating skills to the test. Remember, learn as much as possible so you can exude confidence and always look to help each party, and you will be sure to reap the benefits of becoming a master negotiator. Why losing your job could be a good thingWhether you’ve already lost your job through down-sizing, redundancy, or any other reason, or if you’re under threat to lose your job, your first thoughts run from blind panic to anger, desperation, and all points in between, especially if you have a family and all the commitments that go with it.
It’s especially daunting if you’ve been in that position for a long time and assumed that you had that job for life. When it’s the only job you’ve ever known, finding out that your job has gone can be devastating. Even if it’s a job that you’ve tolerated for years, when you no longer have it, you suddenly forget all the things you didn’t like about working there and remember only the good. It’s human nature. But the feelings of loss, of being in free-fall, create feelings of doubt. And doubt can cause a huge loss in self-confidence at a time when you need it the most. Rather than block out those feelings, acknowledge them, embrace them, and then let them go. They will not serve you in moving forward. Keep in mind that many layoffs are activated by accountants - usually people you don’t know and have never met. They have no idea who you are, what your skills are, what your true worth is, and how your family might suffer from your job loss. They’re just doing the job that they’re paid for. Why Me? The accountants are simply moving numbers from one column to another on the balance sheet to keep the company solvent and in business. So, avoid wasting your time trying to figure out ‘why me.’ You are just a number to them and there’s no answer to that question. Granted, it might be tough for you to make sense of the situation. But sooner or later, you know you have to get past it, over it, or around it, so why not make it sooner? Later has no merit at all, does it? Here’s the truth. Losing a job is part of modern society. We live in a rapidly changing world, and this is just another kind of change, and change is the only constant we can truly expect. Look around you. Everyone you know that has a job has come from some other workplace. And most of them ended up with a better job after their move! You can too! Regardless of what happens to you, it’s what you do about what has happened to you that’s important. So, although you didn’t anticipate this change, you can look at it as an opportunity to reinvent yourself, rethink, reset, adjust, and get a clear idea of not only what is possible for you, but what could also change your life for the better. Have you ever had thoughts about a career change? It just might be the perfect time to consider one. It could be so much easier to make such decisions now that your old job isn’t holding you back from going after what you truly desire. Could There be a More Perfect Time? Think about it. Could there be a more perfect time to re-define what you want to do with your life and get clear on what’s important to you? Follow these steps to plan your perfect direction:
Make copious notes for a week or more. Then go back and review. Notice where the commonalities are and make a decision to follow up on what gets your attention the most. You may find a fascinating new direction to pursue! Some people have found that losing their job was the very best thing that could have happened to them. Why not you? Why Would You Want to Hire a Coach? Coaching, in its modern format, has been around since the late 1990’s. People still think of it as something new, but in reality, coaching has been around for millennia. There has never been a period in mankind’s history where coaches did not exist. Sure, it might have looked a little different, but coaching is as old as the hills. Modern day Coaching may be more refined and a lot more commercially viable, but the principles remain the same. What Does a Career Coach Do?May people are trying to find a career coach. Coaches have the skills and knowledge to advise, support, and encourage their client. Career coaches help their clients to:
A career coach also has the ability to remain detached from the issues at hand. Consider the wise words of Albert Einstein:
Time Is MoneyIn the modern era, in life and business, time is money. There’s an ever-increasing amount of cooperation and collaboration going on both in businesses and in peoples’ private lives. We need to figure things out almost on the fly these days while dealing with different time zones and cultures. Everyone has their own unique issues to handle alongside everything else that needs to be accommodated, and then there’s the technology we all use to connect with everybody and everything. Life is definitely more complex today and it certainly seems to be speeding up every time you turn around. It doesn’t take long before we begin to have thoughts of overwhelm and burnout on our minds. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: “How long can I justify spending time and money on this issue trying to figure it out for myself, knowing what Albert Einstein said about problem solving?” If having a Coach could save you time and money, it would be ridiculous NOT to hire one, wouldn’t it? Throughout history, every King has had an Advisor (Coach) in every culture. Every military leader has had a Strategist (Coach), every World Class Athlete has had a trainer (Coach), and every Entertainer has had a Manager (Coach). Who Hires a Career Coach?The only conclusion we can draw from the history of Coaching is that the people who hire a Coach fall into two camps:
Many people will say that they want to change themselves, their life, their job, or their circumstances, but in real terms, they are fearful of change. They delay, procrastinate, and make excuses. They lack self-confidence and the drive to follow through. It’s human nature. It’s what ordinary people always do. People who hire a career coach are not ordinary people. They are inspired and have vision. They embrace change and are prepared to get fully engaged in making positive changes in their life. Plus, they don’t want it to take forever! They have a sense of urgency, and they want someone they can lean on, confide in, use as a sounding board, and rely on to help them make the inevitable tough decisions that they can see on the horizon. People hiring their first coach are often racked with pessimism. They think, “What if I waste my money?” Consider that, before you hire a coach, you’re already wasting time, which is the same as money, and you lack the resources to resolve the issues at hand. It would cost you less to hire a coach and find out first-hand and NOW how unbelievably useful a coach can be. People who are hiring their second or subsequent coach have no pessimism. What they are looking for is the perfect fit for them and the circumstances they find themselves in. Within reason, money is not the issue and they never think about the possibility of wasting it. Their main concern is finding the RIGHT coach and then hoping that the coach they choose has a spot left open where they can be accommodated, and can they start today? Is Hiring a Coach Right For You?Maybe. Maybe not.
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, perhaps a coach can get you moving in the right direction to help you create the life you desire - and sooner rather than later.
Read This Before You Reject a Job OfferUS job losses due to COVID-19 have reached their highest level since the Great Depression. With news like that, you might wonder if it’s foolish to even consider turning down a job offer. However, it’s still a case-by-case decision. Sometimes it makes sense to settle for a position that seems less than ideal. Other times it’s worth holding out for a job you’ll really love. How can you decide what to do when an employer presents you with something less than your dream job and they’re waiting for your answer? Try these tips for accepting or rejecting a job offer without derailing your career. Evaluating A Job OfferHow to evaluate a job offer:
Rejecting a Job Offer
Accepting a Job Offer
Hesitations About the Job OfferJob Offer Reservations:
Keep in mind that overnight success is rare. Most careers involve progress and setbacks. Clarifying your criteria will help you to weigh the tradeoffs when you receive a job offer, so you can decide what works for you.
Top 10 Tips For Reinventing YourselfMost of us, at some point in our lives, are presented with the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. If you change your job, move to a different town or even country, you can tidy up all the loose ends in your recent past and step out into a brand-new persona. You can change the way you dress, live, and how you show up in life. This is a particularly refreshing time for those people who welcome change, because it gives them a reason and a purpose to change everything at the same time. If you relish the opportunity to change, consider these Top 10 Tips for reinventing yourself:
Most of the time, our mind runs on autopilot because how we show up in life is directed by our subconscious mind. When you turn the job over to your conscious mind and really put some thought into it, amazing things can happen. People’s perception of you can change in a heartbeat if you apply any one of these Top 10 Tips. If you apply yourself to all 10, you will, indeed, be a completely different person - one that you consciously designed. Try it - you’ll like it!
Your IT Career We all get stuck in ruts from time to time, and that happens on the job as well. You've thought about doing something different with your information technology career, but just haven't quite gotten around to it yet. Sound familiar? You can make 2021 the best year yet for your IT career. There are SEVERAL SIMPLE STEPS you can take to accelerate your career but you have to TAKE THE STEP, not just think about it! Learn Something NewOne of the biggest reasons you get tired of a job is that you're doing the same thing every day. If you happen to love what you do, that's great, but if not it's time to break out of the box. Besides, learning a new skill adds value to your career. If you've been doing server work for a long time, take the time to learn other skills. If you're an Exchange specialist, learn some Linux skills. Get CertifiedNot very many of us get to work for the same company for the rest of our IT careers. The only job security is the security you give yourself, and one of the ways to get that security is to add professional certifications to your resume. Certifications get you noticed and help you stand out from the crowd. Ask yourself what your resume would look like if you were laid off today, and then take steps to improve yourself and your professional standing. You Might Take A Step BackBe prepared to take one step backwards in order to take multiple steps forward.
You may be in a situation one of my clients was in a while back when his employer saw him as strictly a server guy. My client wanted to get on the Cisco side of things, but there was this perception that he was "only a LAN guy". He had to leave that company to get his shot. There was some short-term financial pain, but in the long run it was the best career move he had ever made. People get typecast in every field. In his book "Often Wrong, Never In Doubt", Donny Deutsch writes about a job candidate who wanted to become a junior ad executive, but couldn't break in with his current employer which was an ad agency! He was typecast in a support role, so he applied to other ad firms and was quickly hired. Sometimes you have to look outside your current situation in order to create a new situation for yourself. Don't be afraid to take a step backwards in order to open up new possibilities for yourself. There's an amazing career out there, waiting for you if you have the courage to make it and take it. Entertainment Industry JobsThere are entertainment industry jobs available for just about anyone who wants to be an extra in a movie. Extras are always needed for every kind of films, and a specific look is not always required. Producers will be interested in all types of people, and though most of these entertainment industry jobs do not have speaking parts, they do give people without necessarily any type of acting ability a chance to participate.
When we're young and full of ideals, we consider only the cream in the world of entertainment industry jobs and, if we feel entertainment is our calling, aim for acting, directing, or maybe writing roles. But there are also thousands of other equally important positions available, from the grips to the CGI assistants to the editors, of both the writing and the film. And this is just for the movie industry. What about those reality shows ? Take just the singers alone, how many different styles and types of entertainment industry jobs are there? Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were also the cruiseship singers, the piano lounge singers, and Karaoke performers, and many more. Put another way, not every one is cut-out to be a rock star or a pop icon. And again, that reference is to just one show, one niche in the industry, one genre, one example of millions possible. That’s just television alone. There's also film, music, streaming theatre, and much more. Then think about the entertainment industry jobs within parallel yet collaborative niches: take for instance, one of the biggest selling events on Television? Football! Cheerleaders, Announcers. This makes us think of newscasters, maybe camera men, and what about those special effects professionals. Come up with your own associations list. While you are doing that, remember the execs, the emcees, the paper-pushers, the makeup artists, the go-cart mechanics, and caterers, etc. I will round up a couple more sources for entertainment industry jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics features entertainment industry jobs, and discusses and describes the job duties, the trends, the requirements, and much more for thousands of jobs. (Their site, bls.gov, reminds me of other entertainment industry jobs, like amusement park attendants and entertainers, hotel work, museum work, and on and on.) Go through the entertainment industry job boards as well. Many have a database of information and resources to help you define, determine, and decide what to go for. Some will require a few dollars, while others may offer a free trial period. While you’re at it, check up the union – the union websites like the Screen Writers Guild, etc. You will certainly end up finding a huge or tiny but imperative position! Define PerseveranceRecently, I have been searching and writing about the precise meaning of many words that have to do with our endurance and survival. I started to write about the meanings of efficiency, discipline, resilience, productivity, and hope, just to name a few. I always thought productivity was the key to success. Later, I realized success has a recipe of its own with many ingredients. Aside from the above-mentioned traits, one of the most important characteristics is PERSEVERANCE. To define perseverance, it's best to start with the dictionary. Dictionary.com defines perseverance as follows: Synonyms for PerseveranceAlongside Dictionary.com, there is always Thesaurus.com and this is how it lists the synonyms for perseverance. Perseverance AdjectivePerseverance adjectives are listed as perseverant and persevering. You would think they mean the same thing, right? Here is what https://wikidiff.com/persevering/perseverant has to say about it. Quotes About PerseveranceIn the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Perseverance is the foundation of all actions. Lao Tzu Intellectual PerseveranceI have read that intellectual perseverance is harnessing one's intelligence and building a Never Quit attitude by leveraging the power of positive thinking in spite of increases in negative thinking. The Philosophical Life wrote an article in 2018 on Medium about intellectual perseverance and explained: "....Intellectual perseverance is a habit that comes from a love of learning. It’s the tendency to not give up on learning when the learning gets tough. Instead, you embrace intellectual struggle. You persist toward greater understanding. Intellectual perseverance is an intellectual virtue....." Perseverance ExamplesHere is a little fable about Susan and her job search story. She persevered until she found her ideal job and so can you. Job Search Success StorySusan was looking for a job, so she sent her resume all over town. She scoured the newspapers every day, and by the end of the month, Susan had applied to over one hundred openings. “Surely,” Susan thought “I will find my dream job soon!” But many days passed and Susan didn't hear back from any of the jobs where she had applied. She began to worry – was there something wrong with her resume? Finally, two weeks after she sent in her 107th resume, she got a call for her first interview! Soon after, Susan got another two calls and she ended up with three interviews scheduled. “Finally,” she thought, “I’m one step closer to my dream job!” So Susan went to her interviews and she thought she made a wonderful impression, but to Susan’s disappointment, she only heard back about one job, and it was the lowest paid, least fulfilling opportunity of the three. “Should I take it?”, she wondered. The thought of working every day at a job she hated made her feel hopeless. Susan was afraid she might not find anything else, so she accepted the job, but vowed to continue looking for something better. A few weeks after accepting the low-paying, unfulfilling job, Susan got a call from a company that hadn’t got back to her for weeks. It turns out they needed someone with Susan’s exact skill set! Finally, after some hard work and persistence, Susan was offered the job of her dreams – the money was good and it was just the kind of work she was looking for. When we put in our best effort, we create opportunities, find opportunities, and opportunities will find us. When we allow disappointment and discouragement to take over, we don’t see the hidden gems right in front of our faces! What if Susan had stopped the pursuit of her dream job when she took the dead-end position? What if she had allowed her disappointment to dictate her actions? What if she ignored the phone call about her dream job offer? Well, she wouldn’t be very happy at all! She would be suffering an inner tension day in and day out. We must continue to persevere and leverage the power of positive thinking even as negative thinking seems so much easier. It's an easier way to create results. Opportunities will come. They always do when we work, wait, and watch for them. Define ResilienceResilience DefinitionResilience is defined as the ability to recover quickly from adversity. The research shows that people are more likely to learn from difficult or traumatic situations (resilience) than not. Resilience MeaningTo define resilience, Dictionary.com writes as follows: noun:
Traits of ResilienceThere are several personal qualities that are considered ‘protective factors’ in individuals who are resilient. These factors are based on years of research. Resilience IndicatorsThe personal resiliency indicators are:
Most people have some of these characteristics. We can build our resilience by developing traits and characteristics that we do not currently possess. |
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
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