What is Hope and Why Does it Matter?HOPE IS.... ...One of those things that people don’t always understand well, though oddly enough, we all need it to live a happy, healthy life. After all, hope is what helps you see your situation and then shows you the way out. HOPE IS NOT.... ...Some warm fluffy bit of happiness, nor is it a Pollyanna dose of enthusiasm, though it might contain both emotions. Hope is instead a goal that includes the desire to get there, and the feeling that you can. Hope DefinitionWhat is hope? According to the dictionary, hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” Hope sees the potential in a situation. But it does more than that. Hope SynonymTake a look at the first 15 words listed under Hope Synonym by Thesaurus.com in alphabetical order:
Why Does Hope Matter?The thing to realize is that hope is necessary to live. Without it, we not only stagnate, but we also lose our will to live entirely. Hope matters. Here’s why: Hope gets caught up in the interconnectedness of things. We need hope to realize our dreams, but as a group, our communities likewise need hope to survive. Hope shows us what we live for, and what we fight for. Other benefits of hope
The best thing about hopeIt’s contagious. If you go out into the world full of hope and enthusiasm, you can be sure to find that reflected at you by those around you, by those who have learned how to hope because you first showed them the way.
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
December 2024