Job Hunting Without A College DegreeAre you tired of reading job ads that sound like a great match for you, only to find out that they require a college degree? You might start feeling like you’re the only one who didn’t finish college. The truth is that you have plenty of company. Two thirds of American adults lack a bachelor’s degree, according to the US Census Bureau. While higher education is enriching, it can also be difficult to afford. You can have a satisfying career without a four-year degree. Learn how to continue your education or find high paying jobs with the qualifications you have now. Finding Jobs That Don’t Require A Bachelor’s DegreeA growing number of employers are reconsidering the degree inflation that occurred in recent years. Some major companies no longer require a bachelor’s for certain positions. You can find many opportunities if you know how to look. Keep these tips in mind:
Continuing Your EducationOf course, you may want to continue learning for your own personal and professional reasons. Additional studies look impressive on your resume as part of your accomplishments and help you to lead a richer life. These activities will help you to continue learning:
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are just two famous examples of how to succeed without completing college. Higher education can be an excellent investment, but there are other paths to a rewarding career and meaningful life.
Using tools to measure your goalsHow to measure your goalsThere are several ways to measure your goals, ranging from simple to complex and free to expensive. Sometimes it makes sense to spend money on tools, but when setting goals for your own purposes, keeping it low cost makes sense.
For instance, use a spreadsheet when first starting out. Many people use spreadsheet to measure their productivity at work. Most people associate Microsoft Excel with spreadsheets, and that costs money. However, there are free alternatives, such as Open Office Calc. The Open Office suite of products is available on multiple operating systems. This software is fully functional and compatible with Microsoft products. The best part is it is free. Sometimes, you will need more sophisticated tools. For instance, when you work on multiple projects simultaneously and there may be dependencies associated with some of the goals, you’ll need to have a better method than a spreadsheet to manage these. This is also true when you have multiple people that you need to measure their contributions to the projects. While you could use spreadsheets for this, they are not meant for collaborative activities. The reporting features are lacking in a spreadsheet program. A program such as Microsoft Project gives you more control over these types of features. Other factors to consider when measuring goals is workflow. When someone on your team updates a document, you want the whole team to know about it simultaneously. Otherwise, you will need to constantly coordinate changes to documents or other assets within the project. This can become a full-time job by itself. As most of us continue to work from home, it is also helpful to keep up with the best tech gadgets to work from home. Another factor is time management. It may help to brainstorm about time management apps with the team to find out do time management apps help your productivity. Even if you have all the tools for working and managing remotely, keep in mind the tool should not be used as a means to run the projects for you. They have their uses, but the responsibility rests with you, or the project manager. Also, you have to consider some flexibility in the measurement as not every item will go according to plan. You may need to make some adjustments along the way. At the end, with or without the help of tools, it is important to have a personal list of good habits to have - high performance habits. Being too rigid with the plan can cause problems within a team. Strict adherence to a tool will make the projects rigid, by definition. On the other hand, you do need some ways to accurately measure the goals as you are moving on up. It’s a delicate balance that requires compassion as well as firmness. When choosing a tool, try to get your team involved, so they know what to expect. This isn’t always possible as some companies already have solutions implemented. If this is the case, you will need to manage the expectations of the team and provide any training and assistance needed to make the tool work for them. As you move along, remember the 10 best practices for managing remote teams. Remembering best practices will always make the projects move along more smoothly. 2021 DESIGNER RESUME FORMATS
2021 Designer Resume VideoThis video demonstrates the first two pages of six resumes. You will see twelve pages. The first three resumes with pictures of nature are mostly selected for positions related to environmental protection businesses. The following resumes are mostly used for industrial jobs, production plants, and project management. This is only an introduction. Please drop me a line if you are interested in seeing other designs. |
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
January 2025