Best Tech Gadgets To Work From HomeCool Desk GadgetsYou can work from home with just a laptop, an internet connection, and a will to succeed. But why scrub it when you can work from home like the boss you are! Invest in some basic tech gear that makes working from home easier and you’ll get more done, your family life will improve, and you’ll feel like hopping out of bed every day to get into your perfect work environment. Setting Up Your Home Office WorkspaceFirst, let’s talk about your workspace. In a perfect world, you’ll have your own home office room resplendent with your favorite art, a large lounge chair, and your exclusive personal things, but most of us don’t have such luxury. Most of us work where we have to. What you can do is ensure that one area is a dedicated, permanent workspace when you need it to be. Don’t work in the living room. You at least need comfortable office furniture if you’re going to be sitting at a computer all day every day. A large desk, supportive chair, and some storage space for files are prerequisites. Get rid of any clutter every day. Some people like to include a vision board beside their desks to write notes and post pictures of your long-term dreams and aspirations. It’s just something you can find yourself turning to when you need to stay motivated while working from home. Noise-Cancelling HeadphonesAs I’ve gotten older, I find that noise distracts me more. I remember listening to loud music when studying as a teenager but now I prefer a more tranquil noise environment so that I can completely concentrate on my work. This tranquil environment can be particularly elusive when working from home. Besides closing the windows and barring the door, noise-canceling headphones can be a great option for getting into and staying in your zone. Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 are under $400 and allow you to adjust the active noise-canceling function on a scale from 0 to 10. For good noise cancellation without that high price tag, Soundcore Life Q20 headphones are around $60. A Large Monitor and/or Second MonitorThe next thing that will supercharge your home office is a large monitor or a multi-monitor setup. I currently use two 24-inch monitors – one positioned vertically and one horizontally. The vertical setup allows for easy reading of documents when I’m performing research. Having a second monitor or a single monitor with lots of screen space can really speed up a lot of the work you need to perform, as you don’t constantly need to swap between applications. If your line of work requires good color reproduction, such as photography or graphic design, you’ll need a monitor with an IPS panel. If you plan to use the monitor for gaming on your downtime, you might want to choose a high refresh rate monitor (144 Hz.) with support for Nvidia G-Sync or AMD Freesync. Computer parts come and go, but a good monitor might stay with you for over a decade, so it’s worth paying a bit more on your monitor setup at the outset. Mechanical Keyboard and MouseFor most entrepreneurs working from home, sitting at the computer typing is the majority of the work. Unless you’re working on photo or video editing, most of the time you don’t need a really beefy computer. What does make life a little sweeter is a good mechanical keyboard and a good quality mouse. Most keyboards you’ll see in the wild are ‘membrane’ keyboards. These feel somewhat soft and don’t give you much physical feedback on when you’ve fully activated a key. Mechanical keyboards, on the other hand, have spring-loaded switches that give you tactile feedback. You should find typing for long hours on a mechanical keyboard is more enjoyable and you’ll even be able to type faster after some practice. A nice mouse and mouse pad just feel better when they fit your hand well. You won’t need to click the buttons so hard, either, so your fingers will thank you in the long run. Do note that mechanical keyboards tend to be a bit louder than membrane keyboards, so if you’re going to be working beside someone trying to sleep they’re not going to be too happy about a mechanical keyboard coming into the house. Heaps of other tech out there can make working from home more enjoyable, but focus first on the items that you’ll use all the time and you can’t go wrong.
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
January 2025