HOW TO SELL YOURSELFLearn how to sell yourself in a job interview
Having presentation or interpersonal skills is not the same as knowing how to sell yourself in an interview. If you do not know how to sell yourself, you can’t help prospective employers. Plus, you may find it very challenging to receive employment offers and/or to negotiate your salary.
Change your thinking. The idea of using sales skills in an interview often brings up negative thoughts. The fact of the matter is that it is an essential interaction that is necessary for your success in securing new employment.
It’s ok to negotiate. Your expertise has a monetary value. There is a time and a place for negotiations, offers, and incentives. Make sure you don’t sell yourself short. You exchange your experience, training, knowledge and insight for monetary rewards. Think of your services as and yourself as a product available for purchase. Show the prospective employers why they need you. Learn how to interact with a potential employer, so that they realize you can help them. This means showing them, rather than telling them about your skills and knowledge. Having a professional portfolio in hard copy or online, can demonstrate your skill set in a way that prospective employers come to their own conclusions about your capabilities. Keep in mind that you are selling a product. The combination of your experience, knowledge, and skillset is your product; your resume and your interactions demonstrate a taste of things to come. Believe in yourself. SELL yourself. Acknowledge your personal strengths and demonstrate them to prospective employers. Help them recognize your passion and interest in learning, helping, cooperating, and applying your skills. Once you believe that you are are adding value and are capable of delivering the goods, it shines through to others. About the authorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. |
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AuthorMandy Fard is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, CMRW) and Recruiter with decades of experience in assisting job seekers, working directly with employers in multiple industries, and writing proven-effective resumes. Archives
January 2025